Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ate Janelle's Domain Giveaway! :3

Ate Janelle:This is the first time that I’ll be giving away a domain. That is why I wanted it to be special. Also, I want to give it to the person who deserves it most.

This is not a contest, just a simple domain giveaway. The reason why I am NOT holding this as a contest is due to my lack of time to monitor each and every participant. Also, I do not want any pressuring atmosphere lingering my site.

How to participate?
All you have to do is send an email to phinkness[at]yahoo[dot]com with the following:

***Feel free to use any subject that feel like using to the email that you will be sending me.

In this part you need to provide the following information:

* your name
* you current website URL - if you do not have any feel free to leave this blank.
* your message*

* Your message can be about anything. Also this will be my basis in choosing the winner so be sure that you will be creative in filling this part.

Important Dates
June 18 - Start of submission of entries
July 18 - End of submission of entries
July 20 - The winner will be notified
July 22 - Official announcement of the winner

1 .COM/.NET/.ORG domain
2 .INFO domains

Kindly spread the word

Kindly help me spread the news about the contest by placing this banner on your website. Again, this is not a contest.

Hehe. Just spreading the word for those who want to join

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