Monday, July 7, 2008

My Suckish Life... :))

Ehe...i'm just bored, comes the suckish post. haha  anyways.. so sick of getting sick! (gets?) hehe. *sigh* really want to buy the SoftBank707 sc and the Vaio Cr Laptop...and other stuff *drools*  lol. Too bad i can't afford those things...i life sucks right?  lol. Oh well. Hm.. uh..nothing special going on lately..oh yah! Last friday in school me,micah,jon,sho and brian were like laughing so hard! haha!  Why? we were like video-ing some stuff, the idea was supposed to be scary, but it ended up hilarious!  Like one time..when me and micah were asked to walk then suddenly go down, then i felt like people can see my so it was brian's turn then i can't help but pull my pants up, little did i know, i was caught! When were watching brian's part it ended up like i was crushing brian! Because i was jumping up and down while pulling my pants!  Talk about major LAUGH TRIP! wooh! Fun day! I was actually supposed to go to volleyball practice last friday, but i had no shoes.. ehe.. know what? Our pet dog's puppies is so cute and chubby already!  Ima go take pictures of them with mah phone now  baiii!!

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