Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Born Puppies!

Wee! I'm so happy! Our dog,fluffy,gave birth earlier at 1:00 am. Wooh! But sad to say, the 2 other puppies died... I dunno why. Our mom just woke us up. But on the bright side..3 puppies lived!
And you know what? The weird part was, it was just supposed to be 4! But instead it's 5! Because we saw the x-ray so then..we only saw 4! Weird ryt? lol. They're so cute! Haha. Oh i almost forgot, when we were like cleaning the dog cage, we had to transfer the puppies, so then..i saw fluffy like got the grey puppy and i was like "Oh no! She's eating it!" but i was wrong! lol.

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