Sunday, July 13, 2008

Too Young to be old, Too Old to be young..

I know, i know. Lol. You're probably wondering why my title is like that. It's because we went to O.J. to buy some clothes...well ok..not some. ALOT! haha. My mom almost spent 2,000 pesos! And good thing there was a sale  haha. And we also watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth" nice movie  lol. Then we ate an early dinner at Cibo  The food there was yummy and healthy  haha! Oh and i also bought a phone case at "OMG! It's Gifts!" lol. The stuff there was so nice and AFFORDABLE! *sigh* I'm gonna let my dad buy me the pretty phone strap i saw! haha. It's only 79 pesos. I also saw a cute "piggy" bank there. But it isn't a pig, there was a bunny,a panda...and other animals! So cute  And it's only 199 pesos! gah! haha. If you have 500 pesos with you, you can buy a bunch of things there! lol. Gotta go, we're going to church today. hehe

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