Wednesday, September 10, 2008

4 Changes That'll Change Your Life

Choice #1: Who will you spend your time with?
Who you choose to be friends with doesn't just affect which table you sit at during lunchtime. Good friends can make you more confident, kind, trusting, loving and much more; bad friends can lead you to do things you regret, make you feel insecure or hurt you in many ways. Sometimes, it's hard to tell who the keepers are, but the most important thing to look for in a friend is loyalty. They may not be the most fun friends, they may make mistakes and may even have a bad habit or two, but when it comes down to it, loyal friends are with you through the toughest situations and they'll put your feelings and your friendship first because you're important to them. That doesn't mean you never fight, because loyal friends are willing to fight it out rather than just run away, rant about you behind your back or let you get yourself into trouble if you're doing something that could harm you. Choose true friends and you'll have a friend you can both grow with and grow up with.

START TODAY: Notice what you have in common with your friends and think about how they influence you-do you like the girl you are when you're around them? If not, then find ways to be the kind of friend you'd like them to be so you can start influencing them to be the best kind of friend.

CHOICE #2: Who will you be?
You may already know what you want to be when you grow up but have you ever thought who you want to be? Unlike your dream job, which you could get overnight with a lot of luck or a surprise visit from a fairy godmother, your character is built one block at a time through your actions-all the little choices you make every day. Do you want to be a truth ful person? Then make the choice never to be dishonest about anything (like whether you did your homework, though you swear you'll finish it later anyway)-not even a little bit, not even if no one will ever find out Want to bekind? Then remember that sharing mean gossip about anyone-even the class bully-is something kind people don't do. Want to be loving? Choose to block out even unloving thoughts that could sneak their way into your heart and make you treat someone unkindly. You see, your character is what you are or want other people to see you as, your character will always come out in the end.

START TODAY: Write down the bad habits that are hunting your character-then flip them to discover the good habits you should practice to be the girl you want to be.

Choice #3: How do you see yourself?
People will always tell you what you're supposed to look like, what goals you should go for and what talents are worth having, and that's more than enough pressure to bring you down-unless you know the secret to accepting yourself: Believing, in your heart of hearts, that 1) there's no one else in the entire world like you, and 2) who you are is exactly who you were meant to be. Think about it: no one else has the unique combination of your looks, your experiences, your family, your friends, your talents, your achievements, your goals, your brain, your body... and all the other tiny details that make you ______ (insert your name here). Someone can be like you, but they're not you; in the same way, you can want to be like someone you admire, but you'll still be you-and that's not a bad thing! You may noy be Vanessa Hudgens, but your friends would probably rather have you and your brains around during study sessions than deal with her hectic schedule. Plus, she may have the voice, but those were your hands that helped your mom do the dishes this morning so that she could take care of your baby brother-so who's the real star?

START TODAY: Say, "I am me. There's only on me. Without me, what a boring place this world would be!" Then ask yourself, what a special part of me can I offer the world today? After all, all that fabulousness shouldn't be kept to yourself!

Choice #4: What makes you happy?
Yeah, we know you had the worst day ever, but did you know that you can still be happy in spite of it? Choosing to be joyful means you get to decide where your joy come from. Does it come from pretty things? Or compliments? Or from what your mirror tells you today? If you think only other people, more things or your ever changing looks can make you happy, you could be happy one second and devastated the next because you can't control anything outside yourself. But if happiness lives and grows inside you, in your heart and mind, and if it's safe there, then all horrifying, embarrassing, disappointing, frustrating things that can happen in the outside world can't touch it or take it away.

Think of one unchanging, ever-reliable thing that makes you happy (Your parents' love? Your uniqueness? Your faith in God?). Remember it whenever you feel down.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ber Month!

It’s already the ber month!  haha. And my birthday is almost near  yay! lol. And today is our 2nd day of our exams, its really exhausting  But I can still do it!  Hm.. come to think of it.. Halloween and Christmas is near!  It’s like everything is going so fast..and next thing I know we’re already graduating  haha. Btw, congrats to ate Cindy for winning the referral contest!  When I saw the tally, I was really shocked! She has 125 points! Haha. That’s many..
Final Tally
Cindy 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 10 + 96 = 125
Bernadeth 5 + 3 + 3 - 10 + 112 = 113
Christina 5 + 3 + 3 + 61 = 73
Kim 5 + 3 + 3 + 10 + 52 = 73
Lissie 5 + 3 + 3 + 39 = 50
Sweetie&Bunny 5 + 3 + 3 + 29 = 40
Kat 5 + 3 + 3 + 24 = 35
Imee 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 7 = 24
Jojo 5 + 3 + 3 - 10 + 21 = 22
Angeli 5 + 3 + 3 + 10 = 21
Je 5 + 3 + 52 = 19
Kristi 5 + 11 = 16
Nurulizz 5 + 3 + 5 = 13
Jeline 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 12
Mikz 5 + 5 = 10

It's Finally Over!

Yay. Our exams are finished already!  I just hope I did good.. haha. I mean I did study hard. Lol. And my batchmate got 100% in Filipino!  She’s smart. Hehe.. And I got  At least it’s not 89! haha. And we also went to the AVR earlier. And today.. we went to Churitto Cafe to eat, the food is yummy there. Lol. And we went to the mall.. I bought the new album of the JoBro’s! Wooh! Haha. I’m listening to it now..  I also bought the new Minute Maid, and it’s tastes good  It’s a new product of Coca Cola  You should try it.. hehe

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


ah! god.. SmartBro sucks! sorry for not updating so much lately.. there's a problem in our internet connection.. so yeah..peace! haha..

Monday, August 18, 2008

Gimmick ;)

Yesterday.. my mom,my sister,tita mylene,ate mia,ate mady and I went to church in Victory and we also met up with Tita Malu. After the mass, we went to Korean Garden to eat lunch. The food was yummy there! haha. Then..we went to ATC to watch "You Don't Mess With The Zohan",its a nice movie.. but not advised for little kids. haha. But before watching the movie.. we still had to, ate mady,ate jamie and I went to SanFo treats and ate a fried candy sounds weird, but it tastes GOOD. then tita mylene,my mom and ate mia went to the internet cafe..then we watched the movie..haha.

Thursday, August 7, 2008 contest! :D

Contest is open for all Wordpress/Blogger users. Be sure to read this whole thing.
 How to join
Simply use these buttons to display on your sidebar. Or you can write a blog entry with a link to
 Link button (sidebar) = 5 points
 1 Blog entry = 3 points
 How does it work
The website that refers the most number of visitors to will win. I use this tracking thingy to know from which websites my visitors come from.

 1 referral = 1 point
 Fave this blog on Technorati = 3 points
A free Wordpress or Blogger theme.
 More info..
 The main purpose of this contest is to increase’ popularity.
 No “please click the link/button..” shit. If you catch someone doing such, report it and get an additional 10 points.
 You can write as many blog post as you want.
 If writing an entry, send me the permalink.
 Status can be viewed here.
 Contest duration: Aug 5 - 31, 2008.
Comment ONLY if you are going to join. Good luck!-Ate Claire.

Yup,lol,i joined at Claire's contest ^^ just for fun,but i do hope that i would win! haha..feel free to join just go to>> and contact her,that u'll join! hehe,easy right? 

Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh gahd...

So many things have been happening around the school campus lately...there's so much to spill right now. LOL  well to start off, i have my classmates "Punk'd" diary  hehe. And don't worry! I didn't take it from her secretly! I have her permission. lol. Anyways..searching for patterns for tessellations ryt now, i need to have a pattern cos its our project in geom.  And.. there's this news going around my batch (gr.6)... it's been going around like crazy!  Oh gawd. Forgot the others!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Other accounts ^^

Other Blog :]

No Classes!

Wooh! No classes today! haha. It's because of the, i woke up at 7:00 am earlier and i was like "oh my god! its already 7:00 am!" then i went out and said "ate, walang pasok ngaun?!" my yaya replied "oo. kaya matulog ka na ulit." well, i tried to sleep, but i can't so i went online. haha, i was bored anyways. i need to go, i haven't ate breakfast yet!  hehe.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Oh mah gahd!! haha. so stressed over frikkin' school work  still need to print pictures for our hekasi proj.! and the stupid printer isn't working!  *sigh* anyways, i slept at 11:00 pm last night, woke up at 6:00 am  we're supposed to go to MOA to exercise, sheesh. I was so sleepy!! gahd.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Can't Access!

Argh! can't access!  dunno why, but ate anne is contacting her host na.. hehe, kaya yun...i don't know when i can access my subdomain again..but i'll just wait for ate anne to update us! *pinkfab family*  hehe. And man! volleyball practice is SOO exhausting!  but it was fun also  haha! uh..wat else? lol, i think that's it! haha.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Day!

Wooh! haha. This is the most happiest day of mah lyf! Why? Because I really wanted to change my Windows XP theme into Zune, i tried downloading the file that my online buddy gave me but it didn't work.. so..i started searching in google for that theme..then i clicked the first link, it was actually a file. Then i downloaded it, so..i was so lucky it WORKED! wooh! haha, i wanted the start button to be, but i don't know how to change it  haha. But it's ok, ill just stick to orange for a while  Now i really love my laptop now! haha.

Stolen from Fran!

Type in the following and choose the first choice (that makes sense)that
appears on the list

1) Type in "[your name] needs" in Google search:
Jeline needs shopping money!

2) Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search:
Jeline looks like my teachers frend!  (sabi kxe yun ni cher eh! haha)

3) Type in "[your name] likes" in Google search:
Jeline likes to eat chocolate

4 ) Type in "[your name] says" in Google search:
Jeline says IN YOUR DREAMS!

5) Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search:
Jeline wants him!

6) Type in "[your name] does" in Google search:
Jeline maisip!

7) Type in "[your name] hates" Google search:
Jelie hates one of her classmates! so MUCH! 

8) Type in "[your name] goes"
Jeline goes to bora to chill...

9) Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search:
Jeline loves her frends and family...and CHOCOLATE!

10) Type in"[your name] is" in Google search:
Jeline is currently bored!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Argh! We're suspended! I hate it! why? it's because we'll miss alot of topics, and our exams are coming up! gr.. *sigh* it's just drizzling! sheesh  gah. oh well,at least i could use the laptop  hehe. anyways...short post! lol. besides.. i need to finish my cookies! haha.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sketchy! :))

Uh..random name! Haha. Anyways, for the past few days...i was like SOO in to drawing random stuff! I dunno why! Lol. And guess what? I like the stuff that i drew already. lol. er..oh yeah, i've been blog hopping for a while, and the best blog that i ever saw is! wooh! Her domain rox my sox! haha. I really like her layouts! So kawaii and uh.. COLORFUL! haha! seriously! Have a look yourself! You'd be amazed, she's really creative. hehe.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Designing a Blog

From a hobby, now a habbit. A well-matched blog and design always comes in pair. Here are couples of criteria in designing a blog.

1. User-Friendly. A great Blog doesn’t tend visitors to click the [x] mark or holding ALT + F4 in keyboard just because your Blog loads too slow. Your Blog should not have couple of Media or Images (Youtube, Imeem) embed in your blog post that could make readers browsers slower. Remember that there are still Dial-up users.

2. Browser Compatiblity. Browsing Statistics says that Firefox has become popular, but still Internet Explorer is the common browser. Some scripts are compatible in IE but not in FF, and some are compatible in FF but not in IE. When choosing scripts, make good use of those that are highly compatible to both IE and FF.

3. Content. Text languages in typing is now ranging the minds of young generation. TyPinG LyK disH is quite not good in the eyes. Text languages are very popular. Let us bring back the capacity of formal writing in good manner.

4. Avoid Pop-Up Scripts. “Hi, Welcome Visitor!” “Before leaving, please drop me a testimonial.” Tricks are poor sometimes.

5. Use your Own Photos. Using your own photos interests your readers connected to you. Thus, promoting good content of your Blog. How would you feel if your friend uses celebrity or disgusting pictures? Use nice photos that will interest your readers.

6. Do not Link Websites You Do Not Know. Don’t be proud to have more than 1000 links! This is for your own security and privacy. Here’s a true story about my friend who had been a victim of Blog impersonator.

7. Do not use Auto-Play Music or Video. Let your visitors or readers choose to play it or not. It also adds fast-loading feature to your Blog.

8. Well-Organized. Try to type like a professional. Try describing your self in a professional way. What do you think will others feel while reading your Blog? Smoothness will be felt by the readers.

9. Blending of Colors. As much as possible avoid blending colors that contrast eyes. It will tend visitors to click the [x] mark or holding ALT + F4 instead of being interested in your Blog.

10. Neat and Simple. Glittery, large, blinkies, and heavy loading images make Blog too slowly to load. Limiting your Blog into 3-5 small images will enhance the simplicity of your Blog.

11. Choose High Quality Blog Layouts. When choosing Blog Layouts websites, be critic and choose Quality not quantity.

12. Blog and Design. What you are blogging about should well-matched to your blog contents. Designing a blog isn’t it difficult if you a specific niche or content of your blog.

13. Share This to your Readers. If you find this Blog Tips Useful, sharing these Tips is appreciated.

Too Young to be old, Too Old to be young..

I know, i know. Lol. You're probably wondering why my title is like that. It's because we went to O.J. to buy some clothes...well ok..not some. ALOT! haha. My mom almost spent 2,000 pesos! And good thing there was a sale  haha. And we also watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth" nice movie  lol. Then we ate an early dinner at Cibo  The food there was yummy and healthy  haha! Oh and i also bought a phone case at "OMG! It's Gifts!" lol. The stuff there was so nice and AFFORDABLE! *sigh* I'm gonna let my dad buy me the pretty phone strap i saw! haha. It's only 79 pesos. I also saw a cute "piggy" bank there. But it isn't a pig, there was a bunny,a panda...and other animals! So cute  And it's only 199 pesos! gah! haha. If you have 500 pesos with you, you can buy a bunch of things there! lol. Gotta go, we're going to church today. hehe

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ate Janelle's Domain Giveaway! :3

Ate Janelle:This is the first time that I’ll be giving away a domain. That is why I wanted it to be special. Also, I want to give it to the person who deserves it most.

This is not a contest, just a simple domain giveaway. The reason why I am NOT holding this as a contest is due to my lack of time to monitor each and every participant. Also, I do not want any pressuring atmosphere lingering my site.

How to participate?
All you have to do is send an email to phinkness[at]yahoo[dot]com with the following:

***Feel free to use any subject that feel like using to the email that you will be sending me.

In this part you need to provide the following information:

* your name
* you current website URL - if you do not have any feel free to leave this blank.
* your message*

* Your message can be about anything. Also this will be my basis in choosing the winner so be sure that you will be creative in filling this part.

Important Dates
June 18 - Start of submission of entries
July 18 - End of submission of entries
July 20 - The winner will be notified
July 22 - Official announcement of the winner

1 .COM/.NET/.ORG domain
2 .INFO domains

Kindly spread the word

Kindly help me spread the news about the contest by placing this banner on your website. Again, this is not a contest.

Hehe. Just spreading the word for those who want to join

Friday, July 11, 2008


Yo! lol. anyways..i just wanted to share you my awards for guessing the right words in ate kaila's domain. hehe. oh and some of the words are really hard! And you know what? I just guessed some and they're correct! haha!
oh and if you look at the awards closely stars are added!
so here it is!

Monday, July 7, 2008

My Suckish Life... :))

Ehe...i'm just bored, comes the suckish post. haha  anyways.. so sick of getting sick! (gets?) hehe. *sigh* really want to buy the SoftBank707 sc and the Vaio Cr Laptop...and other stuff *drools*  lol. Too bad i can't afford those things...i life sucks right?  lol. Oh well. Hm.. uh..nothing special going on lately..oh yah! Last friday in school me,micah,jon,sho and brian were like laughing so hard! haha!  Why? we were like video-ing some stuff, the idea was supposed to be scary, but it ended up hilarious!  Like one time..when me and micah were asked to walk then suddenly go down, then i felt like people can see my so it was brian's turn then i can't help but pull my pants up, little did i know, i was caught! When were watching brian's part it ended up like i was crushing brian! Because i was jumping up and down while pulling my pants!  Talk about major LAUGH TRIP! wooh! Fun day! I was actually supposed to go to volleyball practice last friday, but i had no shoes.. ehe.. know what? Our pet dog's puppies is so cute and chubby already!  Ima go take pictures of them with mah phone now  baiii!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Born Puppies!

Wee! I'm so happy! Our dog,fluffy,gave birth earlier at 1:00 am. Wooh! But sad to say, the 2 other puppies died... I dunno why. Our mom just woke us up. But on the bright side..3 puppies lived!
And you know what? The weird part was, it was just supposed to be 4! But instead it's 5! Because we saw the x-ray so then..we only saw 4! Weird ryt? lol. They're so cute! Haha. Oh i almost forgot, when we were like cleaning the dog cage, we had to transfer the puppies, so then..i saw fluffy like got the grey puppy and i was like "Oh no! She's eating it!" but i was wrong! lol.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Boredom Kills Me..

I know, i know. haha. I’m bored. Isn’t it obvious?! hello? read the title  well.. so much for that.. moving on.. ok..uh. earlier we had volleyball practice and man it was TIRING! Even though I have a cold.. i still went to school. Why? ‘Cause I only got sick today. Hm.. maybe its because of school? Nah. Haha. What else, oh yeah. We have this pet dog named Fluffy (she’s a poodle. lol) and she’s pregnant! Yay! My dad went to the vet and had her x-rayed.. or something.. and when I saw the x-ray thingy, I was like “OhEmGee! Yay!” lol. ‘Cause she has four puppies  hehe. Wonder when she’ll give birth..her tummy is so HUGE already! haha.

Friday, June 27, 2008

VolleyBall Varsity!

Wee! hehe. Just bored so i posted this. lol. anyways..i went to the try-outs for the volleyball varsity! wooh! and im got qualified! yay! haha. and my body hurts! the things we did for the try-out was so exhausting! hmph. doesn't matter anyway. lol.[EDIT] what else..oh yeah..hate the effin' internet connection! gah! can't go to and! XP sucks.. [/EDIT] oh and earlier in school, there was like a basketball varsity for boys, so i get to stay in school for a while *im bus rider..hehe* then, my classmate brought up a weird topic about the guys in the basketball varsity's LEGS! haha. i know, weird right? The most perfect legs' was "JANICE'S"  seriously! i want her legs! *btw, we made up a name for this guy in school so we call him Janice" lol. i hate my legs! the knees are so dark*not really dark okay!*! PLUS i have lots of mosquito bites in my legs..darn mosquitoes..

Monday, June 23, 2008

Online Shopping i've been surfing around the net, and i thought "hmm..i shud make my fone pretty.." so then i went to there's forums there and there are topics about phones and stuff so..i clicked a certain topic when a person was asking where she could find some stickers and etc. for her phone..i saw some useful links and clicked and "BOOM!" lol. i said "OMG! these are sooo cute!! i want to buy them!" i was like so excited to buy some stuff but sadly.. im broke  *sigh* and i was hoping if someone who is generous enough to buy those things! lol. i would really appreciate it. im trying to brag my mom to buy me one...well..didn't work..

here's the list of things *you can just choose one*:
btw scroll down to see the image :)
click me!
click me!
click me!
for this one.. scroll down until u see the lollipop charm thing :) 

See? its only 3! lol. if you're interested leave a message in my tag board nd ill email you my address :) thnx!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Won The Domain Contest!!!

OMG! haha. im really happy. i won 2nd place for the domain contest! hehe. need to pick a decent domain name. lol. anyways.. gah. so much homework!!! annoying  *sigh* oh well... need to do my best this school year cuz im a graduating student ! hehe. so..yeah. short post haha

Friday, June 13, 2008

tagged by ate shai

Post 10 things which would give you extreme happiness. Then tag 12 people and oblige them to post this in their blogs.

Here's mine:

  • my family
  • my friends
  • candies!!
  • chocolate! lol
  • er..the internet?
  • a trip to paris!
  • an all expense paid shopping spree! haha
  • music..
  • recieving gifts? lol
  • getting high grades! XD
i tag:
gabby sabaten :P
ate claire
ate aika
ate alexis
ate netskie
ate khayte
ate yona
ate monic
ate wanits
ate fleur
ate sarah


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First Day! :D First Day in school tomorrow!! woot! haha. excited to see my frends  hihi. hm..i hope tomorrow will be fun!  hm..what else..oh yeah. Check out these tips! This might help you make your first day a success!

The Day Before
>Prepare your uniform and school supplies! You don't want to rush and forget something important,dont you?

>Expect the unexpected. It's best to come prepared for any problem that might come your way. You never know what might happen to you on your first day and you won't know how to deal with the situation.

>Sleep early! If you do, you'll surely wake up early, get to school on time and be super ready to start the first day of school!

Time For School!
>We can't say it enough-breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make your meal good and healthy. You need enough brain food and energy to be active (and stay awake) on your first day.

>A nice,warm smile will let everyone know that you're willing to be friends and won't make the wrong impression that you're a snob.

>Greet your teacher! It'll make your teacher feel special and respected. (You even get plus points for courtesy by greeting them enthusiastically when they enter the room!)

>Listen to your teachers. Teachers usually give students an orientation of what to expect during the school year, plus they'll update you on the new rules of the school (if there are any), so keep your ears wide open and listen attentively!

>If you're a new student,don't be afraid to ask your teacher or classmate for a tour around the campus. That way, you won't get lost when trying to go to the cafeteria or the faculty room on your own.

>Make your first day even more fun by challenging your barkada to see who can memorize all of their classmates' names and find out something about them,like their favortie color.
hihi..hope that helped!! lol. gotta prepare all my stuff for tomorrow!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Support Me?

Sorry to bother you all.But, I really need your support. Please help me win a domain. Just join at Ate Khayte’s Domain Contest. Please do not forget to put my name as your referrer if you will join.For further details,just read everything that was typed in Ate Khayte's Domain Contest Page. And for all who will be supporting me. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Movies! :D

We went to ATC watch Narnia:Prince Caspian! woot! lol. i luv the movie!!  it so awesome! For all the people out there who hasn't watched Narnia:Prince Caspian..then what r u waiting for?!  go to the theaters now! and btw, while we were waiting in line for the movie tickets..i was busy texting my friend.. lol. and my cousin..but mostly my kay.. i edited this part already. ayt?  hm..its getting late. better go now. bye!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Ready 4 school?

Hm.. *counts in fingers* omg!  5 more days 'til my school starts!  lol. i don't wanna go to school!  im going to miss the internet world..aka my 2nd home...  *sigh* oh well, whining won't do any good, right?  well,at least i get to see my friends again  hehe..i hope my first day of school won't be Wish Me Luck on my first day!  hehe..and since my schools starts at June 11, i won't be able to know who will win in ate khayte's domain contest. lol. so i'll be on haitus for a VERY long time. lol. so,if u sent me a message in June 11 [or the next days] i won't be able to reply. Cuz my mom would be hiding the laptop. No!!!  so, i'll be missing my online buddies yeah. better go now. it's getting late. lol. gudnyt guys!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 :D

"If you're looking for an online health and beauty shop then look no further. Buy all your health & beauty products from our excellent and productive selection. Here you'll only find several kinds of 99% effective whitening and slimming products widely used by consumers in Asia." is an online beauty shop,which is owned by Ate Khayte's mom. This shop is for all the women in Asia who wants to buy some affordable beauty products for themselves or for another person. Plus you don't have to worry about anything at all. Because once you go to their site...all the details are there! From prices down to payment options! How cool is that?Plus, all the products are dermatologically tested so you don't have to worry about a thing! And do you want to know what they're selling?Well here's a list!:
Click any of the links to see their products!
Payment Options:
They only accept payments via
Paypal and EON Visa Electron as of the very moment. Please wait for further details about this. Any concerns or questions will be highly regarded.

They process local / international orders right after confirming the payment. This may take up to 1-3 days. They can also do meet-ups within Metro Manila vicinity.

For More Information go to:


Ate Khayte's site is really a helpful site for bloggers!I found her site by surfing the net.All i can say about ate Khayte's blog is that is so organized,the theme is really wonderful!  i luv it. so pink  hehe.. and her blog entries are really nice to read!  and some of her entries are really helpful!  and from all the other blogs i've seen...ate Khayte's blog is really the best blog i've seen  that's why i faved her blog in technorati the visitors page you can find lost of helpful tips on how to main a blog and etc.! how cool is that?! and if you want to see her bloggie click this link!  : Ate Khayte ^^ there's this domain contest i saw on Ate Khayte's bloggie! i i mean "hello???" its a DOMAIN contest!  i've been wanting a domain for a very long time.  so i joined!  hehe..and here's a message to all who joined! GUD LUCK GUYS/GIRLS! lol. 
Plus not only a domain contest there is also a SOTM contest and Referral Contest! Isn't that great?! Three contests for you to join! Nice! In Case you want to join any of the 3 are the rules,the way of winning and the amazing prizes!

Standard Rules
» Before or after entering the contest, you must link either here or on Ate Khayte's homepage by placing the button located on each of the contests page.
» You can enter on any contests you want provided that you’ll comply with the rule above.

*Domain Contest*Ways of Winning:

 Write a blog entry about ate khayte's site = 10 points
 Write a blog entry about the contest = 15 points
 Have your friends blog about/join the contest/site/ate khayte's mom’s shop = 15 points each post (this could earn you more points)
 Write a blog entry about ate khayte's mom’s online shop ( = 15 points
 Sign up for a hosting under my referral link = 30 points (Click here for more info)
NOTE: You’ll have lots of chances to win if you will add the 5th way of winning to your ‘to-do list’. Plus, if you intend to, you’ll be able to receive additional FREE domain name for life for the rest of your stay on the referred webhost! So the prize would be, if ever, 2 domains + cash!
Prizes: with 1 year registration
1st prize - .com + $3
2nd prize - .org/.net + $2
3rd prize - .info + $1
Lucky winners will be contacted through e-mail. Deadline of the submission of entries will be on June 17, 2008, 2:00 A.M (Manila Time GMT +8) and the winner will be announced and contacted the following day (on the 18th).
*SOTM Contest*
This contest will be held every 30 days. Winners will receive free advertisement on this site for a month, listed under ‘Previous SOTM winners‘ on the Contest page after your one month of advertising is up.
Deadline of the entries will be on June 28, 2008 (Manila Time GMT +8), votings will start the following day (on the 29th) and will end on July 19th.

Please e-mail Ate Khayte these requisite details at with the SOTM Contest at the Subject area.
Your name:
Your e-add:
Your site URl/s:
1 month advertising+Popularity! 
*Referral Contest*
Ways Of Winning:

 You simply refer people to my site = 1 point
 Fave this blog on technorati = 10 points
 Write a blog entry about this contest = 15 points
 Sign up for a hosting under my referral link = 30 points (Click here for more info)
NOTE: You’ll have lots of chances to win if you will add the 4th way of winning to your ‘to-do list’. Plus, if you intend to, you’ll be able to receive additional FREE domain name for life for the rest of your stay on the webhost! So the prize would be, if ever, 2 domains + cash!
1st Prize - $6
2nd prize - $4
3rd prize - $2
4th-8th prize - $.50 each
Lucky winners will be contacted through e-mail. The deadline for this contest and the entries will be on July 19, 2008, 2:00 A.M (Manila Time GMT +8) and the winner will be announced and contacted the following day (on the 20th).
A BIG NOTE for those who will join: If you intend to join this contest, please put Referral Contest on the Subject field and tell me what method/s you prefer to do for me to be able to calculate your points accurately. If you fail to do this, you will not be eligible for the contest.
Please e-mail Ate Khayte these requisite details at with the Referral Contest at the Subject area.
Your name:
Your e-add:
Your site URl/s:
Your ways of winning:

The Right One :P

my gahd! lol. so hard finding a new skin for my blogspot  so..can anyone suggest a nice skin? please? i'm desperate!!!!! and is the only site where there's decent skins for me to use! *sigh* this skin has been up for days!  i want to change. but i cnt find any nice ones anymore! hmph. oh well.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


*sigh* another boring day.. got nothing to post.. just bored.. we're supposed to go to a KIDDIE party today..but i said to my mom "no", i mean..hello?! KIDDIE party?! im too old for those type of parties..hehe.. hm.. wat else.. oh is almost near!! 11 days to go!!  well that's it! hehe...just a short post

well..turns out..we went to the party! lol. but hey, our friends were there. After the party we went to Power Plant Mall and watched a movie. Some of the adults watched "Sex and the City" while we were watching "Indiana Jones:Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" AGAIN! lol. we had to watch it again, cuz if not we're just going to get bored and blah blah Speaking of movies..inside the movie theater it was so friggin' cold!!!!!! we didn't even have jackets then!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Hairstyle :P

Ei guys! lol. today me and my sis went to the salon to hav a trim before school starts
hehe..anyways..i miss my old hair and ohemgee! my hair is so friggin' short! but i hope it will grow fast the hairstylist is so..annoying..for me cos i said to him just to cut 2 inches of my hair only...then later on he made it shorter! argh. hate it. but its ok i just that i hate it when my hair is SUPER SHORT. *sigh* hay naku.. well 'til here nlng stay safe!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Family Outing

Haha! grabe! it was a long trip.. pero i had fun hehe... and man..pagudpud is so effin' far!! anyways..i enjoyed the places i've been to. experience we stopped at san fernando, la union and then we went to pagudpud next hehe..We went to this surfing beach in san fernando i had alot of fun! woot! And I also didn't notice that I was super white before!  and now I became dark! haha.

Homesick :(

Lol. We just got back home from our family outing gawd, i was so homesick! and i missed the cyberworld! yah..i know i'm back but we're going out of town AGAIN tomorrow[may 27] homesick!  haha! good thing its just 2 days hehe..

hmm..wat else is new? oh yeah. summer is almost over... and school is gonna start again! argh! back to school work again...haha.
i have to study harder this school year if i don't my dad won't buy me the laptop i wanted!!
 hehe..that's all.

t.c. always guys!